

Sure is nice to be 25

Twenty-five years ago today our company opened its doors in a small basement office on Main Street in Reading, Mass. Plenty of free parking in the suburbs, no traffic, a nice bagel shop next door, and close to home for our three original employees, two of whom are still with the company today.

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

While it may have been a (mostly) mild winter, there’s nothing quite like spring. The Week’s dreams of shorts and the beach and backyard burgers seem a little more real. Alas, before the fun comes the other side of the season and that age-old ritual: spring cleaning. Time to deal with all those things that…

Infographic: 9 Consumer Trends That Will Reshape Our Post-COVID World

    1.Data sourced from: Hunter Food Study Special Report Wave 2 (2021) 2. Data sourced from: Mintel Global Consumers Trends (2021) 3. Data sourced from: Global Web Index webinar  4. Data sourced from: 5. Data sourced from: NC Solutions Consumer survey 6. Data sourced from: Twitter for Business 7. Data sourced from: CNBC…

On the Record with … Tina Cassidy, GBH’s Chief Marketing Officer

Our series of Q&As with marketing communications leaders continues with a discussion about rebranding, in particular for an iconic, New England institution. Chief Marketing Officer Tina Cassidy led such an initiative recently for GBH, and she shares some background on the thinking, the strategy and the process of a major initiative, which includes some insights…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

The analysis is over. The brackets are in. And the Madness is about to begin. After a year away, 23 of The Week’s favorite days are upon us – the Cinderellas and survivors, the Shining Moments and Sister Jean bobbleheads. And this year, we don’t have to use the “Boss Button” (which also has a…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

As we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month, The Week is focusing on those women who are, well, making history. The barriers they’re shattering, the new ground they’re breaking, the inspiration and insight they can share with all of us. So after beginning the week with some female leaders looking back, we finish with others…

CTPerspectives: Deep Fakes

Celebrities and prominent figures of all kinds have recently found their identities used in ‘deep fake’ content. Perhaps the most popularly deep-faked celebrity is Tom Cruise, who can be seen on TikTok doing everything from magic tricks to working on his golf swing. The problem is – he wasn’t.  A neural network was fed several…

One year of loss. And growth.

The reality of COVID-19 hit CTP suddenly one year ago. A member of our team told us her roommate had been exposed to a colleague who tested positive.

Decisions needed to be made. So we turned to our team for guidance. What were they thinking? What concerns did they have? First and foremost, they were not scared to be at the office, but they were scared to come to...

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

Well, it’s March again. Somehow, it’s been a full year since packing up our laptops, welcoming our coworkers into our living rooms, and starring in our own versions of Groundhog Day. It’s a year marked with so many challenges – from loneliness and social distancing to mourning and fundamental changes to personal and professional lives.…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it can feel like the longest. Perhaps that’s because we continue to be challenged by and wrestle with such fundamental human issues of diversity and health (i.e., the vaccine). Those and several others are top of mind for The Week.   Here are our picks…